SYDNEY 2023 Registration

SYDNEY 2023. 10 March 2023 - 13 March 2023 . Sydney, NSW

Organiser: NSWMA

  • All meet enquiries to - SYD2023 LOC email :

Registrations close 6 February 2023 23:59:00 (Australia/Sydney) .

NOTE: A processing fee will be added of $0.50 plus 2.75% for Australian issued credit cards OR 3.95 % for overseas cards.

Visit the SYDNEY 2023 site

NSW Masters Athletics (NSWMA) will host the Australian Masters Athletics Championships at Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Centre from March 10 - 13, 2023. There are no qualifying standards required for any masters competition worldwide.

ENTRY FEE (comprises of a registration fee, plus a per event fee)

Registration fee:    $110, to 6pm on Monday February 6, 2023

Event fee:                   all events $20 each


Australian entrants: you must be a current financial member of your STATE/TERRITORY MASTERS ASSOCIATION when you register, and must wear their approved State/Territory masters uniform. (If you live in NSW, your Athletics NSW Club does not give you eligibility for AMA events, you will need to join the NSW Masters Association, at

International entrants are welcome, and must show proof of membership of their country’s masters association, and must wear their country's masters association/club uniform, or if not available, a plain white top. NOTE: The responsibility of obtaining a valid travel visa is with the athlete, and refunds will not be given because a visa is not obtained.  

 SRI LANKA - The approved WMAAffiliate is SLMA (Sri Lanka Masters Athletics),  INDIA - The approved WMA Affiliate is MAFI (MastersAthletics Federation of India)