MAWA State Championships 2025 Part 1 Entry List

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Given Name to appear in programme Family Name Age Group Club
Rochelle Airey W55 MAWA
Brenda Almstrom W45 MAWA
Steve Barrie M60 MAWA
Ben Botha M45 MAWA
Mariette Botha W40 MAWA
Carol Bowman W70 MAWA
Michael Brophy Brophy M50 MAWA
Roberto Busi M45 MAWA
Michael Byrne M70 Bunbury
Bernard Candy M60 MAWA
Bert Carse M80 MAWA
Mercurio Cichini M75 MAWA
Sue Coate W55 MAWA
Kevin Collins M55 MAWA
David Colvin M60 MAWA
Matt Combe M40 MAWA
Gayle Craft W65 MAWA
Mark Dawson M60 MAWA
Tammi Doyle W50 Other registered club
Deanna Drabsch W30 MAWA
Kyle Eagar M50 Visitor ($20)
Adrian Fabiankovits M35 MAWA
John Fettus M50 Bunbury
John Fisher M65 MAWA
paul foley M55 MAWA
Hannah Gethin W30 MAWA
Ross Goulden M80 Bunbury
Tom Gravestock M65 MAWA
Vaughan Gregory M45 MAWA
Mike Haederle M60 MAWA
Bev Hamilton W75 MAWA
Richard Harris M65 MAWA
Steve Helm M60 MAWA
Brian Hewitt M70 MAWA
Bob Hull M80 MAWA
Paul Jeffery M50 MAWA
Michelle Krokosz W40 Bunbury
Jim Langford M80 MAWA
Nataleen Lockyer W45 MAWA
Malachi MacKay M40 Other registered club
Phil Mangano M55 MAWA
Eddie Marcus M55 MAWA
Pat Maslen M60 MAWA
John McDonagh M75 MAWA
Simon McGarvie M60 MAWA
Hayden McGregor M30 MAWA
Keith Miller M75 MAWA
John Miolini Miolini M50 MAWA
Kevin Murphy M55 MAWA
Ian Newell M50 MAWA
Martin O'Connell M55 MAWA
brenda painter W80 Albany Athletics Club
Stephen Parker M30 MAWA
Jennifer Parker W55 Bunbury
Patrick Patrick Jones M50 MAWA
Jo Peters M70 Bunbury
Andy Roach M50 MAWA
Glenn Rogers M60 MAWA
Peter Sanders M75 MAWA
Susan Sanders W70 MAWA
Ryan Satinover M40 MAWA
Lynne Schickert W80 MAWA
Claudia Seke W55 MAWA
Lori Sexton W60 MAWA
Sandra Siviour W50 MAWA
Georgie Smith W40 MAWA
Morland Smith M85 MAWA
Lizelle Smith W50 MAWA
Alan stabler M50 MAWA
Jacinta Thompson W45 MAWA
Peter Tietz M70 MAWA
Isolde Tietz W70 MAWA
Tyne Timmers M40 Bunbury
Charmaine Tuia W30 MAWA
Hans Venter M60 MAWA
Zane Walsh M40 MAWA
Andrew Ward M60 MAWA
Clare Wardle W50 MAWA
Dave Wilkie M65 MAWA
Paul Wilmot M30 MAWA
Greg Wilson M75 MAWA
Julie Wilson W70 MAWA
Peter Woods M60 MAWA
Gay Wyatt W70 MAWA
Kimberly Young W30 MAWA
Sue Zlnay W65 MAWA

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