Solo runner image

With restrictions in many places on the number of people that can gather together for exercise and competition as well as restrictions on travel between areas, event organisers have become more inventive in keeping meets going while looking after their athletes and officials the best they can.

Virtual events where athletes can compete in small groups or even by them self and collate the results with other athletes near and far are a great way to keep up the spirits of athletes. And using tools such as online forums and Facebook groups, isolated athletes can share images, videos and competition stories to replicate some of the connection that physical competition brings.

We have quickly tweaked our registration system to make it easier to:

  • take registrations for virtual events,
  • athletes to submit their results and
  • the collation of results which leave the virtual event organiser with an XLSX file of compiled results

Thinking of holding a virtual meet, don’t hesitate to contact us and we can help your event be up and running in no time.

Virtual events to keep athletes engaged
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