With entries for the OMA Championships now closed it is time to release the major overhaul of the meet registration system.
Though the front end looks much the same the whole infrastructure has been given an thorough upgrade and will provide a better foundation for the meet registrations it will handle this coming summer. It will allow:
- Better performance under load
- Quicker setup of new meets
- Greater flexibility in meet setup
One visible change is in the email confirmations on registration, which has received a positive response. A completely new layout to the HTML confirmation email is complemented by greater contact details for the meet organisers and space for instruction to registrants that should smooth their experience to check in.
Behind the scenes a meet organiser now has 3 options in regard to processing fees from the system:
- Pass them on to the athlete
- Absorb them in the meet & event costs
- Absorb standard processing fees but pass on the extra for AMEX and non Australian credit cards
It has been exciting to watch a custom system, built for a one off meet, now mature into a flexible system that can handle an increasing diverse range of meets. And even better is there is now a solid platform to expand and grow in our goal to help athletic groups to have a smoother registration process so they can concentrate on all the other tasks.
The first meet to use the new setup is just about ready to go and more will follow.
If you are from a track & field or road running group and you want to reduce the burden that comes from registration then contact EML Sports.